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Things to keep you keep it together in the backcountry.
$47.99 $59.99

About Mountain Lab
Solving backcountry problems in a small mountain town.
Good gear can make or break your adventure. It has the power to save the day or send you home packing. At Mountain Lab Gear, we’ve had experiences with both and we’ve developed a discerning taste for doing things better. Just like you, we spend time in the backcountry and think “someone should make this” or “I could do this better.” And so we did. Welcome to our collection of backcountry gear that’s held together by one common theme – gear you’ll be stoked to have when you need it.
Mountain Lab Gear is real people living in a real mountain town. We’re here to answer your questions, listen to your ideas and ensure that your gear is working properly. Feel free to give us a call, drop us an email or hit us up on social media. We’ll get right back to you – just as soon as we’re back from our lunchtime ride.